If you have purchased some new graphics card upgrades for you PC & want to know how to put together say up to four monitors, then you'll want to check out this article, How to Build a Quad Monitor Display. Learn how to organize, assembly tips, and get free advice on making your multiple monitor array right the first time.
On the other hand you may be wondering what would be right for your application. Would a large HDTV serve you better than a multiple monitor array? Take a look at Compare a Single 30-inch Monitor to a Quad Monitor Display to discover commonly overlooked details of the two. It's really a good idea to consider, before spending those extra dollars on something that may not serve your unique individual needs.
For your domestic PC learn how to zap one last breath into a dysfunctional hard drive so that you can save that missing data once and for all.
How To Recover Data From An Old Hard Drive will give you many ideas the Pros would use to retrieve lost data from a dead hard drive. From data recovery software to trying last ditch efforts such as the "freezer trick"
Then again you may be more interested in permanently erasing files containing private information. Little do we know that simply throwing the hard drive in the trash could potentially open up a nightmare of identity theft and fraud. That's why some folks have started taking hammers to their old hard drives. However you can learn a few slightly more sophisticated methods by reading How to Erase Private Data from old Hard Drives.
First time installing a graphics card? Learn what to do and what not to do at the How to Set Up Multiple Monitors article. It has more of a step by step feel to it. Reminds me of the first time I installed a video card. Many scary things can pop up when your not sure what to expect. This little blog will shed some light on the situation and you wont have to worry about doing something wrong.
The days when nerdy computer geeks isolated themselves in fear of persecution are far behind us.
Today Bill Gates still reigns as the savior of geeks all around the world, and with all due glory. Now that many so-called “computer geeks” are becoming wealthy, the age of ostracizing the computer savvy is coming to an end. Although the road to true computer geekdom is long and torturous, the benefits are well worth it. How to Become a Bonafide Computer Geek with a Multi Monitor PC will help you along the way.
How to Extend the Taskbar Across Multiple Monitors is one of the first things a typical multiple monitor computer user may ask. Once you have everything set up and ready to go, the next thing is prepare yourself to utilize all the monitor power you have with a multiple monitor task bar. It really isn't hard at all. Several programs out there to choose from. Find out which one is the best.
If your still in the dark on the multi-screen phenomena Get the Dual Monitor Setup will enlighten you towards a more lucrative Computing experience. Everything from increased productivity, to decreased frustration and subsequently stress. Upgrading your existing PC our purchasing a multi monitor PC could be one of the best things to do this year!
Business owners know how powerful good word of mouth can be. Likewise when it comes to bad reputations, and few things will rattle a persons feathers more than terrible customer service. Unfortunately for many of us in the Customer Service department, there's more data to toggle through than ever before. This can easily become a burden of time for the customer on the other end of the phone. So definitely read Improving Customer Service with Multi Monitor PC’s.
The new status symbol in Silicone Valley is multiple computer screens. Size doesn’t matter anymore, it’s how many you have. Richard Hart, a San Francisco, CA reporter for ABC News reports on a phenomena of three or even four monitors per person. So finally, if your still in doubt as to what the fuss is all about, check out New Report on Multiple Monitor Displays in the Office.