Monday, April 5, 2010

Digital Signage Systems Security


For those who are looking to install digital signage networks, remember that "it is imperative that great care be taken by anyone looking to get into this business to ensure that the integrity of the content is impenetrable by outside forces." said Rex Williams, President of UDN, which installed the New York network of LED displays over 80 of the cities subway entrances.

System security could be inadequate at the network design stage, or be exposed as digital signage systems expand and use multiple media transport providers (ISP - Internet service providers). Of course even the slightest risk is unacceptable. System security must be nearly "bullet proof" as far as hackers go. Those that use automated digital signage networks have to take steps to assure security at the content ingest, play - list management, display monitoring and other vulnerable points are protected from hackers.

Because of the vivid and eye-catching visual effects, digital displays superbly support commerce, public safety and information needs. Having the power to provide information at a point of decision or when information is needed underpins the value of this communications medium for advertisers and public service providers alike.

Print (static) signage locations place a value on retail location space, and revenue measures from stock turns, the margin per square foot show in comparison the "return on space" with digital signage displays provide the highest ROI. Adding benefits of use such as product promotions, branding, better customer relations, liability containment, and so on. Digital display advertising is the wave of the future today.


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